


On demand seasoned QA professionals for your project needs

With our offshore services, geographical boundaries are no longer important. Our team can collaborate with your teams, or work for your project, like an extended arm, delivering comprehensive testing solutions while optimizing costs.

Managed QA

Managed Software Testing Services provides uncompromised and rapid delivery, assisting in ensuring high-class software quality to fulfil your company needs faster and at a fair cost.

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Offshore QA

The key to maximising your potential is to integrate KiwiQA’s highly focused and remarkable QA team, either remotely or on-site.

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Outcome based

We are providing consistent value through Outcome-based services while aiming to generate a consistent source of profit and provide an exceptional client experience.

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KiwiQA’s testing team is your master key to unlocking all the testing-related challenges, even staffing of QA professionals, so you get the best return on your investment.

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ISO Certifications

CRN: 22318-Q15-001