Automation testing is undoubtedly best for the maximum coverage of the software product is a limited time. That being said, however, testing all the things within the stipulated period is not possible. This is where software risk analysis comes into the picture. Risk analysis of the websites and web apps helps in deciding when specific test cases are to be conducted and how frequently these test cases need to be conducted.
The risk is the chance of breaking out of an unwanted event. That being said, Risk Analysis is the process in which the testers analyze the risks involved in a testing project. To achieve success with your web application, you have to identify the potential risk and the corresponding remedies.
There are many stages for building risk assessments and figuring out which web application testing should be placed on the top stage. That being said, here are some important considerations that would provide you a better place for starting while trying to figure out your most essential tests.
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Check Mixpanel and Google Analytics for observing which devices, browsers, and operating systems are mostly being used for accessing your webpage. The number of configurations that you encompass in your test would depend largely upon the fragmentation level of the user base.
If you discover browser use has been largely fragmented, Parallel Testing can be best for checking off the boxes at once in the multiple configurations. However, since risk is the concern here, you should think which configurations lead to most of the issues. IE 8 usually breaks? Ensure including it in the first tier.
Which functionalities would consume the longest time for you to run again? Although your users must be your very first priority, at times the risk tends to go beyond the inconveniences faced when it has the whole team on the backlog. If you know already that it won’t be a simple fix which can affect your web app downtime for many days and the productivity of your team for many weeks, it must be at a higher position on your listing when it comes to risk.
Also Read: Top 10 Tips For Multi-lingual Website Testing
Ensuring the security at any place where the personal data is being asked from the users must be of high importance when it comes to risk analysis.
To set your priority list properly, you need to be very familiar with risks connected to the various features and functions of a web application. This will help you in conducting an effective and robust risk analysis of your web-based application.
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